3 poems
by grant maierhofer
Have begun to worship
or forms
of pain
and lust
have begun to reject holistic
of all kinds
have begun
to fall apart
have not witnessed bad generation
but merely clown shows, blue
pink-eyed kids
running fast and away
I look out for them
but it’s no use
never is
never was
I look out for them
talk with strangers today
tomorrow maybe
sit on couch
bad posture
bad posture
frenetic nonsense
bad posture and my spine
is falling apart
is not unique
purchased many things
now to be rendered moot
and this is good
or bad
and this is good
Christmas comes again
smiling through black teeth
smiling behind my father
smiling behind my friends
my friends hate me
my father hates me
my dogs spit on me
my village is a town is a city
hates me
I listen to one song
it never ends like pain
or dancing
or living
when all you need is the ending
it never ends
creeps and children and
ugly women and men
seek me out
seek my family out
spy on us, the watchers
I have witnessed them
I have fallen apart spying back
out the windows of cars
out the navels of women
out the ugly spark of love
purchased brand new red jacket
burned it down
ate large apple
far too large
witnessed miracle
witnessed ugly young man
reading book of stories
all about his youth
and domesticity
smiled and thought, ‘huh’
went to sleep two nights in a row
not tonight
can’t sleep, to sleep is a chore
to stay awake is natural
compelling, new
new like red novels on blue shelves
or ugly talk show hosts
or coffee
or friends
or ideas
I witness three never ending songs
they won’t end and I won’t stop listening
I carry them with me
strange little things
carry them home with me
mom and dad are home
carry them past their bedroom
out to the shed, the songs
and the shed suddenly
burns down
sister takes me to apple orchard
salve the pain
mollify me
sister’s name is molly
molly-fy me
dead siblings or rather that ship
out on lake Michigan
dead now too
lost lonely loons
lunatics like exley
I have two children now
both of them are named Robocop
both of them speak
both of them use the toilet
both of them are ugly children
I have submitted twelve
science fiction stories
to religious presses
and they won’t publish
my work
they say that it’s derivative
or recidivist
or contemplative
or bad
they say it’s bad now I remember
I burn down their church with friends
tell the police it was their fault
am jailed for five years
spend the five years reading the bible
find out it was smart to burn it down
run away to new cousin’s home
burn it down
eat brand new apple out of storage bin
local grocery
kill myself
kill myself
kill myself
kill myself
kill myself
reports of hurricanes on Saturn
my life became the storm
and I was at the center, lying/
weeping, not knowing brain
from refuse, intelligence from
mere flashes in so many pans
of light. we watched storms
grow on other planets, brilliant
red spirals of depth and fear
and none of it registering for
that internal cloud, the Other
I wept over my own misunderstanding
childish in the lightning-light
holding fast my keys hoping
for the flame to swallow me
up completely
my tiredness is just beginning.
I left earth for something grave
an exile finally and in the truest sense
as so many immortals had before me
I left
I walked out beyond the firmament smiling
sweeping plateaus of fire like eyes
children horrified in the face of the sun
I am like them and like this rare moment
of pure unadulterated chaos
complete and total submission to the idea
that you cannot matter nearly as much
as the star that will someday inhale your bones
and as time drifted sleepily into new millennia
I saw this with some register of hope
I saw the faces of new politicians and empty
faces staring up at them in earnest
wanting desperately the answers that
would explain these questions that led us here
to this
to this expanse of shit and fire
to this bubbling pit of lost hope and
everything impossible to recognize
there were gods once, this perhaps the gravest
thought of all
that a creator begat this world of black
spectral shit, to feed us not of love and beauty
but of indecision and chaos and constant
unsatiated wonder
decisions prior to a mediocre existence
I was bored before I was born
the two bits, sperm and egg
were these bored, jaded cells
whining about ‘eggs today’
or ‘the way sperm #349 writhes’
the two met in an anticlimactic
gust; flesh and ambience and
strange, strange vibes, and bored
this completely unimpressed zygote
watches the red develop to fleshtone
and out I came with such indecision
such absolute indifference, that I
spat and shat and pissed atop myself
not even laughing, unable to grasp the
intensity, of a fart-joke
so here I become this bored ghost
inhaling odd influence, etc.
desperate to feel something so rancid
so strange, that I’d feel alive
watch me feel alive, watch me breathe
I smell blood or shit or anything at all
and the boredom flees for a second
but only then, and then just barely
and I realize I’m doomed to like obscure
and nothing much will happen for me
here, that’s what they all say, and I’ll
say it too; because I’m here, I’m stuck
and I’m fucked; and yet the boredom
wraps me up so entirely, that I just can’t
follow grant on twitter dot com
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